It's perhaps the most exhausting episode ever, as Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), Sam (@MrSamTurner), and Peter (@XeroXeroXero) strap on some wristbands, limber up, and take our places on the starting grid for lots of chat about sports.

We discuss why Frubes may not be the best mid-workout drink, all the while tackling The Great King Size Chocolate Bar Conspiracy. We find out why one of us has been watching Nick Faldo sink shots at Pebble Beach while in the company of Gary Sparrow, and who's been substituting their shin pads for copies of The Guardian. We also discuss why Everybody's Golf is a Nintendo game in disguise, how Zoo Ball captures the essence of great sporting events, and how it's not actually possible to overdose on squash (the drink, not the sport).

Just in-case you thought we'd lost all our nerd credentials with all this talk of sport and such, we also manage to get in a fair bit of chat about the board game and digital edition of Eight-Minute Empire, and enthuse about The Adventure Zone from Maximum Fun.

And stick around for the end of this episode for a very special announcement...

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