00:00 - Happy. Birthday. To. You.

07:49 - Kris and Sam’s adventure in a broken car.

15:37 - Forget the discourse: FromSoftware’s Elden Ring is filled with Lovecraftian-ish creatures, rune gathering, wonderful exploration, and becoming increasingly okay with the idea of losing a lot of progress. Also it reminds us of the OSR. ALSO also: there’s a guy called Angry Pumpkin Head, apparently?

37:17 - What are our thoughts about black holes? What about rainbows? More importantly, after that tangent, what about Black Hole Rainbows from June Dune Games Production? It’s a 2-6 player, quick-playing and fairly light game that has absurdly high production values, and took us a bit by surprise by just how good it is.

48:18 - After a little faffing around time on Reddit, we’ve been checking out Eyes : Nonogram from Gamefox. If you’ve played Picross or Murder by Numbers, you’ll be in familiar territory, and it combines excellent presentation with easy interactions and loads of puzzles.

56:34 - The story of the old man.

All that, and the location of a book, with Kris (@DigitalStrider), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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Links to where you can find us - StayingInPodcast.com

Note: sometimes we'll have been sent a review copy of the thing we're talking about on the podcast. It doesn't skew how we think about that thing, and we don't receive compensation for anything we discuss, but we thought you might like to know this is the case.

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