00:00 - H. G. Wells, a true literary genius?

05:04 - TwentyPlenty.

11:15 - Don't Get Got from Big Potato Games is a mix of silly party fun and intense paranoia that demands creative thinking and social nous to outwit your loved ones.

33:30 - Jojo Rabbit is Taika Waititi's darkly-tinged comedy about why hate is so stupid, and while it can be an uncomfortable watch, it's a worthy one.

45:46 - In an energetic mood? Then Amanita Design's Chuchel - a riotous combination of puzzler and point-and-click adventure for mobile and PC - is for you.

All that, and some rather "unique" CVs, with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), Sam (@MrSamTurner), and Peter (@XeroXeroXero).

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