Pretty sure this episode is a good candidate for the "Most Gaming Chat on a Podcast" award which I just made up just then. There's Stardew Valley's farming loveliness, the chilly magic of Winter's Day in Guild Wars 2, and the serenity of painting Bushido wargaming miniatures.

Then there's some very even-handed loot box chat, why PlayStation VR might just be better than Vive VR, and building and running dungeons in Boss Monster, Dungeons 3, and Dungeon Keeper.

All that, plus New Year's resolutions and more discussion about milk than you'll know what to do with, from Alix (@EruditeWolf), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Greg (@GregGiddens).

As noted at the end of the podcast (and in that paragraph you just read) we're joined by special guest Greg Giddens, who can be found writing at, plus doing all sorts of other fancy things with words, video, and audio over on

As always, a big thanks to you for downloading the podcast! If you're not already doing so then do please subscribe to us on whatever platform you're on right now - and if this one isn't working out for you, we're available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Mixcloud, Stitcher and just about any other one you care to mention. If you feel like leaving us a review on any of those as well, we'd really appreciate it. Did you spot how I mostly copied this whole bit from the outro of the podcast?

And with that cheeky start to 2018, from everyone here we hope you have a fantastic year. It's going to be great!


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