We're doing time stamps now? How F.A.N.C.Y.

0:00 - We kick things off with hot takes about pomegranate juice and other awful concoctions that only fools and children would make, like blackcurrant and milk, and apple juice with orange juice. There's also a combination that only Kris's brother would make, and you'll find out about that in this section too.

2:50  Then it's off to the UK Games Expo at Birmingham's NEC for “the best convention I've been to” according to Peter, and the first part of our report from the show floor. First up it was By Fire and Sword, a teeny tiny historical wargame that looked like amazingly complicated fun.

14:20 - Then it's on to Wreck & Ruin, a post-apocalytpic vehicle combat board game that is a) pleasantly surprising, b) very accessible, and c) looking for your money on Kickstarter right now.

17:30 - There's a quick excursion by Kris to Lumino City, which pretty quickly gets wrapped up in a conversation about...

20:38 - … Pokémon Quest on Nintendo Switch, and the subject of mobile gaming in general. Does it matter which device you play a game on? Sam seems to think so, and he's probably right.

29:45 - This is where we head back to Brum for even more of the expo and “one of the darlings of the show” - the astonishingly plucky Burrows & Badgers from Oathsworn and Osprey Games.

38:30 - We're pretty disillusioned with comics at the moment, but there are a few stand outs that we've been carrying on with, and none is more important than Barrier from Brian K. Vaughan, Marcos Martin, and Muntsa Vicente.

45:41 - We round out the show with the last leg of our UK Games Expo tour and the acquisition of the pretty wild 1989 pen and paper classic Batman Role-Playing Game, from Mayfair Games. It sounds as good as you think it sounds.

So pull up a chair and join Kris (@DigitalStrider), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Sam (@MrSamTurner) for the latest episode of our nice little hang out sessions where we talk about all the neat things we like.

Reminder: we occasionally use Amazon affiliate links in these descriptions. They've not earned us a single penny yet, but just in case you were wondering what they were all about, you can find out here.

OH HEY THIS BIT IS IMPORTANT! If you'd like to be the first person to e-mail us and ask us a question about the things we've talked about or what we think about a certain thing or if Kris really can eat that many sandwiches, then pop it to us via Twitter, Facebook, or e-mail, all the details for which are here.

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