Oh good lord, where to begin?

You should know straight off the bat that there are huge Avengers: Infinity War spoilers in the last 30 minutes of this episode - which happens to be our longest ever episode! But don't worry, we give you plenty of advance warning before they hit. Seriously though, don't listen to that section if you haven't seen the film yet.

Also the language used in this episode is pretty blue at times, as the last few weeks have been... hectic, to say the least. We're experimenting with bleeping the worst of that stuff out from now on, and you'll hear why.

What have we been doing? Well, apart from watching Marvel's MCU crossover spectacular and engaging in The Great Cineworld Grift, we've also been on holiday to Salzburg, Vienna, and Budapest, and we'll tell you a bit about what we got up to there.

The beta for Magic: The Gathering Arena is currently in-progress and we've netted ourselves access to it, so we've been diving back into the world of slinging spells and walking on planes just in time for the Dominaria release. Is this digital version any good? HECK YES, and we'll tell you why.

Regular listeners will also notice how this episode has gone out slightly later than we usually like. That's because of an unexpected trip to accident and emergency. WANT TO KNOW MORE? Then check in with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Sam (@MrSamTurner) and maybe also look at these accompanying photos.

As usual, we occasionally use Amazon affiliate links in these descriptions where we think it makes sense. You can find out all about what they are and what they do, right here.

Oh yes and if you fancy sending us a question you can see all the ways to get in touch with us right here.

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