00:00 - DIY, Oodies, a birthday, and an aversion to wool.

05:51 - PlayStation 4 corker The Order: 1886 (as discussed in Ep156) continues to impress.

10:24 - Everdale (last chatted about in Ep136) is closing down its servers, and now we’re in a sentimental mood, discussing games experiences now gone forever.

17:10 - A special early look at the asymmetrical, pirate-themed board game Ahoy from Leder Games. Lighter than Root, but scratches that itch in a very similar way.

28:51 - Dungeons, Dice & Danger is Ravensburger and Richard Garfield’s new roll and write, and it manages to give maths real personality. This isn’t “just another” roll and write, this is something special.

45:09 - One Page Dungeon Contest is an annual RPG adventure writing competition, asking writers to create a system-agnostic piece of content that fits on a single side of A4, and it’s a great time.

55:57 - Binge shaving.

All that, and Fat Willy's, with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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Links to where you can find us - StayingInPodcast.com

Note: sometimes we'll have been sent a review copy of the thing we're talking about on the podcast. It doesn't skew how we think about that thing, and we don't receive compensation for anything we discuss, but we thought you might like to know this is the case.

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