00:44 - A truly astonishing DPD Delivery.

05:39 - A big discussion on party games, why they're great, and the reasons 20 Second Showdown from Big Potato Games is one of the greatest.

24:48 - The wonderfully fast 6 nimmt!, playing 7 Wonders in under five minutes using the app version, and Bristol's Clifton Rock Slide.

45:13 - Our pal @Fatboy_Rob asks which is better, Toy Story 4 or Toy Story 3, and we give our expert opinion.

51:57 - Donut County is a story of quadcopters and the satisfaction of putting the correct shaped blocks into the correct shaped holes.

All that, and Barry's dilemma, with Kris (@DigitalStrider), Sam (@MrSamTurner), and Peter (@XeroXeroXero).

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