Tom Peters first burst onto the management and thought leadership scene way back in 1982 with the groundbreaking and massively influential management book he co-authored, In Search of Excellence. His prolific output hasn’t slowed since, and now he’s back with yet another book: Tom Peters’ Compact Guide to Excellence, a collection of quotes he developed in collaboration with iconic designer Nancye Green. Albeit different from his previous releases, this book upholds Tom’s inherent and core belief that treating one another humanely is the best path forward.


In this episode, Tom explains the story behind the book, his reasons for creating it, and one particular quote he wishes he had included. And, as always, we veer off into plenty of other avenues, covering everything from why Tom is so apprehensive of “managing by text,” a famous football coach who was once his neighbor, and what he means when he says, “if you piss away your work life, you piss away your entire life.”