Failure is a tricky thing. No one likes it, but everyone does it. It's inevitable. And yet when most people fail, they tend to get down about it.  Some are so negatively affected by failure that they stop trying and quit altogether. Still others don’t try at all because they’re afraid of that failure. But if we all fail at one point or another, then what makes successful people different from those just described? They’ve learned to fail well. Listen to this Silver Dollar episode to discover why failure is the antidote to the complacency success so often creates, two genuine benefits of failure that make a productive adulthood possible, and three ways to cope with the disappointment that mistakes can cause.

Be sure to check out the show notes at for a complete summary and additional details not included in the episode.


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0:00     Introduction

0:53     Failure is inevitable

1:15     Failure in our own company

4:26     Failure is a great teacher [example]    

5:36     Failure fosters resilience

6:58     Failure encourages creativity

8:26     Failure promotes self-reflection

10:46   Failure gives you an opportunity to start over

12:46   4 tips for dealing with failure

16:46   Action Item


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