We’re talking with Jason Smith and Dave Alison, the CEO and COO, respectively, of Clarity 2 Prosperity. Together, they explain how the techniques described in Jason’s book, The Bucket Plan, take an intangible service like financial planning and turn it into a process that prospects can experience and understand. The basic principles that inform their tactics are ones that professionals in any industry who sell complicated services or intangible products can use to move prospects forward in the sales process. When you listen, you’ll learn four steps you can use to package your wisdom into a process clients can understand, a simple technique to dramatically increase your clients’ engagement while enhancing your authority and credibility, and the power of stories, analogies, and visuals to eliminate confusion and persuade an audience. 

Be sure to check out our show notes at staypaidpodcast.com for more in-depth information and added details not included in the episode.

Connect | Resources

·      The Bucket Plan: Protecting and Growing Your Assets for a Worry-Free Retirement by Jason Smith

·      Free e-book: “Lead Generation for Financial Advisors

·      You can get more free resources, including lead magnets and additional e-books, by visiting our Resource Library.

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0:00     Introduction

1:17     Jason and Dave’s backstory

2:00     Origins of the Bucket Plan

4:41     Selling a 4-step, tangible process

8:35     Visualization | Let clients see the process

11:11   Advisors #1 job is to simplify

16:00   The impact of simplicity [Golden Nugget]

17:39   The psychology of engaging your clients

19:37   A structured process is scalable

20:42   Using the process for lead generation

23:11   Book recommendations

28:00     Action Item


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