We’ve got six tips for how you can enhance your influence and deeply connect with an audience, whether it consists of one or one hundred. Put into practice, these tips will enhance your sales presentations, your day-to-day conversations, and even your personal relationships. When you tune in, you’ll find out a never-fails question you can ask to ensure your audience got the message you wanted them to, the strategy that ensures your audience will empathize with you and your message, and how to build your confidence when addressing an audience regardless of the topic, time, place, or occasion.

Be sure to check out our show notes at staypaidpodcast.com for more in-depth information and added details not included in the episode.

Connect | Resources

The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication: Apply Them and Make the Most of Your Message by John C. Maxwell

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0:00     Introduction

0:51     Communicate for wealth and influence

4:05     Tip #1: Be an amazing listener and observer

5:25     How to get feedback

7:09     Tip #2: Connect through emotion

8:54     Know yourself and your audience

10:38   Tip #3: Speak with conviction

12:08   Tip #4: Prepare to be confident

15:43   Tip #5: Keep it simple

17:26   Tell stories    

0:00     Action Item


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6 Dynamic Strategies to Become a Communication Virtuoso