Some of the most successful guests we’ve spoken to on Stay Paid agree that having a loyal group of social media followers is indispensable to growing a business. But having followers suggests that there is a leader, so the key question is how do you become a leader that others want to follow? In today’s Silver Dollar episode, we talk about how to build a tribe that is invested in your success. When you listen, you’ll discover the biggest mistake people make when trying to grow an audience on social media, the secret to standing apart and above the vast majority of businesses on these platforms, and the fundamental reason why people join and stick with a tribe.

Be sure to check out our show notes at for more in-depth information and added details not included in the episode.

Connect | Resources

·      Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin

·      Tribes: The Ultimate Guide to Create a Following for Your Business Using Social Media by Seth Godin

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0:00     Introduction

0:54     What defines a tribe

2:29     Your vibe, your tribe, your niche

4:15     Tribe leaders need to be remarkable

6:52     Quality leaders provide value to their tribe

9:23     Be intentional about people allowed into your life

13:31   Action Item

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