We decided to ask ChatGPT for the six top qualities that the absolute best closers share. The answers didn’t surprise us, but it did confirm what we know are the most important personality attributes and strengths any sales team should have if they want to close the most deals. Listen to this week’s Silver Dollar episode to discover the importance of being confident and goal-oriented as a salesperson, why expert closers are always talented listeners and communicators, and the one easy tactic for closing more deals that successful sale professionals always use but most others skip.

Be sure to check out our show notes at staypaidpodcast.com for more in-depth information and added details not included in the episode.

0:16    Introduction: 6 things top closers have…

1:40    Exudes confidence

5:32    Is goal-oriented

9:08    Use persuasive communication

12:25  Ability to overcome objections

16:20  Use active listening

18:10  Actively follows-up

20:20  Action Item