"It's finger-lickin' GOOD!"


It's fitting when discussing a vampire move that we nearly bite each other's heads off. That may tell you just how strongly we feel about Near Dark. Bill Paxton steals every scene while somehow balancing them perfectly. Could this be the first time we agree a movie actually needs a remake? Tune in to find out! Spoilers ahead!


Scotty Note: I misremembered the Steel City Con panels I saw because they all blend together. The panel included Lance Henricksen, Michael Biehn, and Edward Furlong and can be viewed by clicking here


Thanks again to everyone who joined to raise money for Extra Life on SaturnDay. If you'd like to donate, you can still do so here. And keep your eyes peeled for the next marathon!


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Static Zone | Scott aka "ScottyMoFoSho" | Corey aka "TornadoJones"


Musical Credit:

"Magical Soul Shower" by Rexy feat. Xenon Odyssey

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