"Now I’m dressed for action! This suit gives me the ability to match you in unarmed combat!"


Remember when us dumb Americans only knew about basically 3 Anime movies? Well, we chose one of them to discuss this week with Project A-Ko! Remember that one? Remember mechs in high school, that redhead jumping on missiles, bikini power armor, or Colonel Sanders walking out of the shadows?! Grab a can of Dr. Bepper and jump in! Spoilers inbound!


The Urusei Yatsura/Project A-Ko Connection by Coop Bicknell

Project A-ko Historical Retrospective video by KaiserBeamz


Follow us on our social platforms, or we don't exist!

Static Zone | Scott aka "ScottyMoFoSho" | Corey aka "TornadoJones"


Musical Credit:

"Magical Soul Shower" by Rexy feat. Xenon Odyssey

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