Previous Episode: Testing
Next Episode: Broadcast Two

Episode Transcript:

Hey this thing on? I guess I have no way of knowing, huh? Hello?

Uh, hi.

My name is Wyatt.

I found this place yesterday. It’’s uh, I dunno I guess it’s a radio station or something...outside Olympia. I think it’s working? It looks like it.

I got separated from my friends. I mean, I guess more I got lost when we were hiking...but...I can’t find any way out of here.

Like, I can’t find the door anywhere and I can’t get any of the windows open. I guess I’m safe at least, for now,’s not all bad.

Anyway, I, uh, hope anyone is close enough that someone can hear this...maybe you can find a way to meet up with me and get me out of here.

The station was near the water, I dunno if it was a lake or something, I remember seeing water before getting in here. I dunno. I dunno exactly where but there can’t be that many radio stations around here, right?

Like, big tower, off in the forest. Y’know? You can see the water. I don’t really know where else....I dunno.

I’ll keep this running just in case...I don’t even know if it’s working...oh god I’m probably just talking to myself.

I guess I’ll keep it running in case, if it is working, y’know?

Maybe...maybe I can figure out how to play some music or something. I’ve got my laptop but like...I don’t think I can just plug in an aux cord, I don’t know if I even have one. I mean it’s a radio station, it should have something.

I think I can at least pick a song from th-

static, unintelligible voices

dead air


I, uh, I don’t think that worked. That...I don’t know what just happened there.

Oh, wait, I think I remember from school you have to do...this and then this.

music starts

Oh hey, yeah I think that did it.

song plays

That one says it was, uh, I think uh, I don’t even know where to se- oh here. Spending All My Time by, uh, Neshcomplex. Oh, okay.

But, uh, yeah, I don't know how to get out of here. Like, no matter what I do, nothing opens, like, y'know? Like I can't even find where the hell the doors are and I tried to smash a window but it didn't budge. I can’t get it open and...

God I hope someone can hear me.


Sorry, uh


I guess if you can hear me; hi, I'm Wyatt and I like music and writing. I usually spend my time writing reviews for a blog and stuff. Not...not like a snob reviews or anything. I just write reviews for stuff I like hopefully...hopefully get other people to like it too.

Static with distorted sounds underneath it.

...Vancouver, like Washington, not Canada. I was out driving with some friends and we stopped at this rest stop and we decided to take a break for a while and get out and stretch for a bit and we went hiking and I don’t...I don’t know. I guess I got distracted cause there was a cool tree and then I kept walking and I found this place and I thought it would be cool to check out and...I don’t...I don’t know. I don’t know where anybody is now.

We were...we were on our way down to California. We were on a road trip. There was four of us. I don’t know where anybody is...

I wonder if they’ll a park ranger or something. This place has to be on a map somewhere, y'know? Like somewhere has to have this place so it shouldn’t be too hard to find. Like...if I go missing in the woods, they’ll look for me, right?

I hope someone can hear me.

I think the problem might be I don’t remember how far I was walking. It could have been five minutes, it could have been an hour. I don’t...I was just kinda looking at stuff and I don’t know how far I got away from everybody else.


I just wanna go home.


Sorry, uh, here lemme play another song. And while I’m gone maybe I'll see if I can get my laptop or my phone set up to play something too. Can't hurt, right? Unless it does.

Nostos by Neshcomplex plays

So, uh, I realized something while I was gone. There’s...nothing outside. Like, yesterday when I was trying to get through the window I was kinda panicking and I was just... I was trying to just throw...I just started throwing shit at the window, but then I just...I don’t know I just wasn’t paying attention. But I just noticed there’s nothing out there. It’s just black.Like, maybe the windows were just boarded up and I just didn’t notice when I was coming in or something?

But...that wouldn’t explain why there’s power.

Maybe it’s like, a city thing like, since it’s a utility and city owned they can’t shut off the power?

My phone doesn’t get any signal in here...maybe...maybe cause it’s a radio station, y’know? Interference or something I don’t’s…

I’m sure somebody is out looking for me.

I think it’s been, at least a day.

Maybe they thought I got a ride back thought.

But they would, they would call me though and when I didn’t answer they would send…

I hope someone’s looking.

I’m’s been weird today, y’know?’s funny, I kinda always dreamed about being in one of these. Like, professionally, y’know?

Like, all through college I took...I went and took a bunch of...not broadcasting, it was one of those things where I didn’t want to be on microphone, I’m not really great at it.

Um, but like, doing producing and stuff for music and...y’know this looks kinda like it. It’s not the same though, cause, y’know, there’s a giant antenna hooked up to it.’s kind of like it, and, y’know...I don’t...I don’t know what’s going on and I’m really scared right now.

And...I’m...I don’t know. Y’know? Like, there’s obviously weird shit, y’know? But...why doesn’t my phone work...and why can’t I see out the windows…?


Anyway, I think I might try to take a nap.

I’ll try to come back tomorrow...or something.

If you can hear me, this is Wyatt Soma, and I’m...stuck.

I...I’m outside of Olympia, in the woods, in an old radio station.

So...come find me please.

I really want to go home.

I’ll um...I’ll leave with another song, just so it stays on a little longer.

Have a good night...if it is, I don’t actually know.


Across the Horizon Line (Reconnect) by Neshcomplex plays