Tier 1? Tier 2? Well how about we tier you a new bum-hole from laughing too hard at this hilarious special episode?!

(is this too crass? Maybe, but it's also crass to force service workers to attend their jobs indoors during a pandemic. So eat my little shorts, Lori Lightfoot.) 

This week we're joined by the FANTASTIC Chicago writer and comedian, Zoe Agapinan! We all missed out on our holiday travels but Zoe helps us live out our dreams by recreating state vibes right from our own homes. If it sounds kind of dumb, that's because it totally is, but there's a "Picture of Dorian Grey" reveal at the end of this episode that will undoubtedly become part of Statesmen history. Trust me, you don't want to miss this! 

Find Zoe HERE.

Find Tim HERE.

Find Stuart HERE.

Find Anthony HERE.

Find Camden HERE.

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