Dissociative Identity Disorder - D.I.D
Gretchen's Story

This episode tells the story of a woman who has D.I.D and her treatment.

Trigger Warning

conatins subjects of physical, emotional and sexual abuse,

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Facebook - STAT! Shocking Traumas And Treatments Discussion Group
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Dissociative Identity Disorder - D.I.D
Gretchen's Story

This episode tells the story of a woman who has D.I.D and her treatment.

Trigger Warning

conatins subjects of physical, emotional and sexual abuse,

Twitter - @STAT_tales
Facebook - STAT! Shocking Traumas And Treatments Discussion Group
Webpage - www.stattales.ca
Email - [email protected]
Patreon - STAT! Shocking Traumas And Treatments - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=555801