John overcame a major obstacle in college to get himself back on course and eventually build a highly successful consulting practice. In this episode, he gives his formula for Business Excellence (Talent + Culture + Extreme Customer Focus) and so much more, including:

The idea of giving your services away for free or cheap if you think it will lead to bigger business

The importance of reading, listening and learning every day - John reads 120 business books a year

Why he believes that Business Excellence is a result of Talent + Culture + Extreme Customer Focus

The importance of networking, mastermind groups, and building relationships ("help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want")

His vision and challenges, including the importance of finding out why your clients hire you

Links and Resources: (John's website) (John's blog) (John's TED Talk) on the most important thing he ever learned ( (Andy Storch Coaching)

John overcame a major obstacle in college to get himself back on course and eventually build a highly successful consulting practice. In this episode, he gives his formula for Business Excellence (Talent + Culture + Extreme Customer Focus) and so much more, including:

The idea of giving your services away for free or cheap if you think it will lead to bigger business
The importance of reading, listening and learning every day - John reads 120 business books a year
Why he believes that Business Excellence is a result of Talent + Culture + Extreme Customer Focus
The importance of networking, mastermind groups, and building relationships ("help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want")
His vision and challenges, including the importance of finding out why your clients hire you

Links and Resources:

John's website
John's blog
John's TED Talk on the most important thing he ever learned
Andy Storch Coaching