Show Notes

On today's episode, Rob chats with Mike Ritchie about how they got their first paying customer in 30 days of launch, listening to your customers, and doing a massive pricing revamp.

SeekWell is looking for a freelance SEO marketer to help grow the top of their funnel. If you have experience in analytics and B2B SaaS marketing, please email Mike at [email protected]

The topics we cover

2:35 How Mike Ritchie and his co-founder, Thabo Fisher of Seekwell discovered the need for their product

5:57 Deciding to not go down the venture capital path

8:08 Seekwell's typical customer profile

10:01 Getting the first paying customer within 30 days

14:26 Rewriting Seekwell's codebase and doubling down on what customer's love.

16:40 Applying for TinySeed

20:03 Raising prices and adjusting Seekwell's value metric

25:53 Examples of creative use cases for Seekwell

29:02 Since Seekwell launched, have there been any low points?

Links from the show


Seekwell on Twitter

Mike Ritchie on Twitter

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