Questlog mastered individualized mass productionMedia PartnershipThis interview is in media partnership with the CONTENTshif accelerator program (, which we follow since its inception. CONTENTshift is the accelerator program of the German Book Publishers and Printers Association. Below you will find more interviews from past batches. We used to record the interviews directly at Frankfurt Book Fair, but since it is canceled this year due to Corona, we resorted to remote only interviews. At the time of the recording, we did not know who won the final award. The winner of this year's batch is SciFlow We will publish the exclusive interview with them as the last of our series this year.

I did Erasmus for Entrepreneurs and already had the business plan for Questlog in my suitcase.

Frederic Geiger, Founder and CEO Questlog  

The FounderFrederic Geiger ( ) is the founder and CEO of Questlog (, one of the finalists in the 2020 batch of the CONTENTshif accelerator program ( Frederic set up Questlog, after graduating with a master's degree from Technical University Munich, which also took him to Taiwan ( and UC Berkley (

Originally Frederic studied management technology, with a focus on entrepreneurship.  The EU program Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs ( took him to Sweden.


Many people collect small things on their travels. They see it as really precious things. … My idea was to combine these two things.

Frederic Geiger, Founder and CEO Questlog  


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Right from the beginning I put a form on my website saying “You did not find what you are looking for, send me a message here” … I block out two hours a week, where I do the designs for all the new requests.

Frederic Geiger, Founder and CEO Questlog  

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Bookshops are really the place to go for inspiration for a thoughtful present.

Frederic Geiger, Founder and CEO Questlog  


The StartupQuestlog is a wooden box, with the shape of a country on the outside ( You can keep all the memories from a trip inside like entrance tickets, little collectibles and so on. You can also hang the...

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