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EVITADO avoids collisions of planes on the ground –Using Lidar“The direct costs to repair a plane, after a ground collision usually runs least at 250.000 Euros. Not included are indirect costs like delays in schedule or revenues lost”

Alexander Kasinec, Co-Founder Evitado


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“We found that ground collisions of planes happen on average one or two times a month”

Alexander Kasinec, Co-Founder Evitado


Media PartnershipThis podcast is in media partnership with the Hamburg-based startup blog Hamburg Startups ( They keep you up to date on the local startup scene in Hamburg, they organize regular events (in normal noncorona times) AND they do have a special section on food startups as well. Even if you are not able to speak German, a visit with an auto-translate is worth it, since they also have an extensive directory of local startups on their website.


“I guess I am a bit an aviation geek myself”

Alexander Kasinec, Co-Founder Evitado

 The FounderJoe talks to Alexander Kasinec (, co-founder of the Hamburg-based startup EVITADO ( Alex is an American, who co-founded the company in Hamburg. He started learning German in 8th grade already, spent time during his studies in Germany, and did an internship in Germany as well. He then ended up getting a master’s degree in Hamburg, where he met his co-founders.


“There are some pretty big [aviation] companies here in Hamburg. That is why we decided to stay here.”

Alexander Kasinec, Co-Founder Evitado


Affiliate LinksIs your startup in need of a bank account in Germany? Try our partner affiliate Penta to open a bank account to shift between crypto and fiat? Try our partner Bitwala with this affiliate link here “There was a list in 2017 by the FAA and one of the pain points were collisions on the ground by planes for example with hangars”

Alexander Kasinec, Co-Founder Evitado


The StartupEvitado ( provides a warning system for planes pulled on the ground, so the drivers of these pushback tractors do not collide with other planes on the ground, hangar doors and so on. Their system is based on Lidar and offers the drivers a Birdseye view of their plane and vehicle.

The idea of Evitado was developed by Alex and his co-founder, who met during their MBA. They made it in the finals in a pitch competition, which gave them their hint that their idea may be much more than just a hobby.


“Hamburg is the world’s third-largest hub for the aviation industry, behind Seattle and Toulouse in France”

Alexander Kasinec, Co-Founder Evitado

 Venture Capital FundingEvitado is looking for 750.000 € as a seed funding round. They would like to close the round end of June 2021.

“Our system is based on Lidar technology”

Alexander Kasinec, Co-Founder Evitado


The Audio InterviewThe Audio Podcast will be published at the same time. Please give us a bit to post the Spotify link here. In the meantime, you can subscribe to our podcasts here

 “We would love to integrate our software in the Microsoft Flight Simulator. It is a

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