Previous Episode: Big bets vs small bets

Personal updates from 2022

TylerGoals from last year✅ Plan for travel as part of relationship ❌ Build more schedule flexibility Other updatesFigured out personal finance plan with ShellyRickGoals from last year✅ Reprioritize daily personal health habits ❓Spend more quality time with Sable (have a date most weeks) and Oliver (take on errands) ❌Writing goals

Professional updates from 2022

TylerGoals from last year❓ Spend more time working, but on my own terms ❓ Make space to do more individual contributor design work ❌ Release redesign of LACRM❓ Two blog post-worthy updates per quarter✅ Shift product priorities to be more focused on growth/strategy and less on low-impact customer requests.✅ Run the coding fellowshipOther updatesMore of a CEO, less of a managerGrowth was bad, but not as bad as expectedProduct team got more focusedRickGoals from last year✅ Structure a partnership and financial plan that enables JD to go full-time❌ Grow the business to 400 clients ❓Fully automate the new user onboarding experience✅ Help scale Windfall the right way  

2023 personal themes/goals

Tyler Take more vacation and make up for it with extra work days Start working towards my rich life: Renovate the houseRickGet weight below 200lbs Write a newsletter most Sundays (at least 27 Newsletters)

2023 professional themes/goals

TylerReap the rewards we sowed in 2022 (marketing projects and product team productivity)Get back to decent growth: +$36k ARR per monthMore of a sense of urgency on the dev teamThree major product winsRedesignFinish all "first round" growth projects (Zapier, API platform, event invites)Close the gap between us as other CRMs (email logging and/or kanban view)If there's a recession, minimize impact on customers and employeesRickRetain JD for another yearDouble the client base again (~200 clients)Build v1 of LegUp Benefits and get to $1k MRR

Biggest worry

Tyler: Product relevance - Have we lost ground in the CRM marketRick: Personal and family health

What do we want to learn?

TylerHow to communicate how decisions are made betterHow to simplify policies so they are easier to understandRickHow to build a SaaS via contractors and self-taught coding (i.e. without giving up equity)Further expertise in digital advertising and dataBest practices for effective leadership (in the home, neighborhood, and workplace)


TylerGenerative AI will advance, but not break through in 2023 (it will still seem more like the future than the present at the end of the year)Binance and/or Tether will collapse, and Bitcoin will end the year downThe recession will get worseS&P500 will be down over the first half of the yearThere will be more tech layoffs in 2023 than there were in 2022Rick Big swing back to co-location as a working requirement  AI gets embedded into workflows for millennials