Tucked away between Myanmar and Nepal, and lying along the eastern border of India, is the little-known country of Bangladesh. Due to an unfortunate string of natural disasters, acts of extremism, and negative press coverage some 30 to 40 years ago, most people might think that the country is a place with widespread poverty and poor infrastructure.

In reality, Bangladesh has the makings of a startup haven. But despite its strong economic fundamentals, the country seems to have been snubbed by regional investors who only have eyes for India and Southeast Asia.

On this episode of Deep Dive, Tech in Asia journalist Melissa Goh discusses why Bangladesh has been left out of Asia's growth story and how the country might be able to catch up with the rest of the region.

More information on today’s episode here: https://www.techinasia.com/deep-dive-bangladesh-left-asias-growth-story

Featured reporter:

Melissa Goh, a Tech in Asia journalist based in Singapore

Essential reading:

Could Bangladesh be the next Indonesia?

Episode Sponsor:

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What are the emerging opportunities in the region’s golden age Which verticals, companies, and business models are driving innovation in Asia’s tech scene How the startup world will change in 2021 and beyond How to accelerate your business toward recovery

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