On this episode we’ll discuss if startups are too focused now on tech rather than on business, if […]

On this episode we’ll discuss if startups are too focused now on tech rather than on business, if they should have a mobile app or website and finally about some tips.

– Are startups too focused on tech rather than on business

○ Using the bleeding edge tool or architecture VS doing the right thing

○ Do tools shape business ? Do we always need API’s?

○ Selling / Using tech rather than having a business model

○ Can’t pivot because of tech being used (personal experience android vs iphone)

– Mobile apps vs Websites to start with

○ This comes from the previous point, will picking up shape the business outcome?

○ Dedicated VS Generic, Slow VS Fast, Complete VS Standard




Lean Canvas


Great tips from Sam Altman, from the famous Y Combinator. It’s like a step by step for startups http://playbook.samaltman.com/
Startup School – Y Combinator – Check 2016 and 2017 Videos https://www.startupschool.org/
Trends to avoid while creating a startup. Are they really negative trends? http://www.fast.ai/2018/01/08/startups/



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Vitor Domingos – @vd
Marco Silva – @igama

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