We had a chance to speak to Dr. Corrie Block, leading business strategist, Director of Xische & Co, Professor of Strategic Management at Monarch Business School, and certified NLP Executive Coach, with over 20 years’ experience working on more than 100 companies. He has founded more than 7 startups in Europe and MENA. He is an International speaker, and delivers workshops on employee engagement, meaningful management, A.I, culture, tech, innovation and the organization of the future.
We enjoyed hearing about what he has learned from his startup successes and failures, and how he applies that in helping other founders execute their startup vision. He believes that 'motivation' is bullshit, it's the discipline that gets you to the finish line. Being a founder is hard and tedious and it isn't the motivation that keeps you going, it is the resilience and persistence.
Check out Dr. Corrie here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/corrieblock/
You can also watch this episode on YouTube here: X
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