Ben is a fascinating founder. Over his 15-year career as an entrepreneur, he started and sold 2 companies – Yodle to for $350 million, Opcity to for $200 million – and hired over 2,000 people. If you do the math, that's about $35 million in value creation and 130 new jobs per year. Crazy!

On this episode of the Startup Exits Podcast, we chat with Ben about:

• Disrupting Yellow Pages

• How to be good at sales

• How to build a 1000-person sales team

• Ben’s first exit – acquires Yodle

• Do founders need industry expertise?

• Ben’s second exit – acquires Opcity

• Can you buy a home without humans involved?

• Future of local advertising

Ben is currently on the executive team of and is an advisor to several startups.

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