Armando Biondi and Massimo Chieruzzi are Italian entrepreneurs that got tired of managing Facebook ads for their clients and decided to automate and optimize them via a SaaS product – AdEspresso. They grew AdEspresso to become world’s #1 Facebook ad tool and led the company to an acquisition by Hootsuite in 2017.  

On this episode of the Startup Exits Podcast, we chat with Massimo and Armando about:

• Going through 500 Startups the second time around.

• Silicon Valley vs Italy: how different are things for founders?

• What makes Silicon Valley the mecca for startups.

• What to offshore and what not to.

• The future of digital advertising: AI & automation.

• Marketing mistakes that founders make.

• Startup M&A: a step-by-step breakdown.

• Startups vs big corporations: a founder’s perspective.

Armando and Massimo now advise and invest in startups, as well as further contribute to the community via content and their involvement in 500 Startups

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