In this episode of Start A Business With Startup Daddy, I talk about productivity, and two books that have put me on the path to getting more done each day: Getting Things Done, by David Allen and Zen to Done, by Leo Babauta. In order to accomplish all I have to in a given day, […]

In this episode of Start A Business With Startup Daddy, I talk about productivity, and two books that have put me on the path to getting more done each day: Getting Things Done, by David Allen and Zen to Done, by Leo Babauta.

In order to accomplish all I have to in a given day, and still get home to spend time with my girls before bedtime, I need a system that allows me to get a hold of how I spend my time.  I got the help I needed to develop a system that works for me, in these two books.

The Two Books

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, by David Allen

Zen To Done: The Ultimate Simple Productivity System, by Leo Babauta [EBook]

Here are some other resources I have used to implement GTD, and stay on my path to being more productive:

Productivity Blogs I read:

43 Folders

Black Belt Productivity


A list of resources from Zen Habits, far greater than I could make up: Massive GTD Resource List

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