“The more that you can get comfortable with loving what you do and the more you can remind yourself that people need your service, then the more likely you are going to get paid what you’re really worth. Get comfortable with getting paid to do what you love.” – Kaylene Langford.


It’s a complicated topic that many creatives find difficult to tackle. Luckily, Kaylene Langford of StartUp Creative is here to provide you with tangible advice on all things pricing so you can make the money you deserve. If you’re starting a business and you don’t know where to begin, or you're several years into a business and you’re thinking about reviewing your pricing, this advice is priceless.

“Money is an important part of this world; it’s an important part of running a business.” Kaylene will take you through her top three tips on pricing, which delve much deeper than just maths and numbers; you’ll walk away with information to help you design the life of your dreams. She’ll also provide a few sneaky book suggestions towards the end of the podcast so you can take your pricing education even further. This is invaluable advice that Kaylene usually provides to her clients, so what are you waiting for?