I’ve got to interview a practitioner that I’ve been working with and her name is Leah Simmons. She has just recently created her own healing modality/beautiful practice that I have been attending called Kaaiaa. Leah is going to tell us the story and a little bit of insight into the power of this class because it means all the people around the world will be able to access it soon. What I love about Leah’s story is the combination of all of her life experiences from being a DJ in London to going on a spiritual journey.

Leah’s a mom and recently designed this Kaaiaa practice which for me is like a game-changer, it’s a mix of the ultimate morning routine. It’s an hour-long class, it’s a mix of breath work, disintegration technique, and meditation. She has designed this beautiful practice and I love this because it’s a sign of somebody who has channeled and tuned in and found their purpose and their passion and design something that’s unique and different. It’s been amazing to see her class flourish as somebody who is designing something uniquely hers and I think as a result of that, it will always be successful because it is an extension of herself. Leah is also an inspiring and motivational person. She says some great insights into us as humans and what we’re working through as a human experience. Something that I’ve learned over the years and experience in this class is in business we often find that we have to push ourselves to this new level, we have to beat procrastination and overwhelm, and inaction. Going to a class like this, it’s this physical experience of pushing yourself to a new level.

Today we’re going to hear about Leah’s story and her journey and some incredible insights into a full integrated practice for our physical, spiritual, emotional self and how that can relate to doing good business as well.