TallyLab is an everything-tracker for consumers and an anything-tracker-maker for businesses. It’s a web-based application where users can set up trackers to track anything that happens as a moment in time, recording what they did, and when they did it. In this episode, I talk with co-founder and CEO, Jordyn Bonds, who saw first hand what happens with our everyday data, and how companies aggregate that data in ways that we do not opt into, and may not be ok with. It was this insight, as well as the need for a tracking app, that was the inspiration behind creating TallyLab with a high priority on data protection for end-users. She shares some of the effects of the pandemic on the company, the trends of data protection, and what she’s tracking everyday using TallyLab.

Topics in this episode

The importance of keeping UI simple, so users can start quickly

New projects, as a result of the COVID pandemic

The difference between an ideal customer, and one that becomes an actual customer

Cloud services are hackable, meaning, your data is at risk

Asking companies to leave data and opportunity on the table, in favor of protecting the privacy of their end-users

The regulatory landscape of data privacy

Users realize that they’re doing better with the thing they’re tracking than they think they are

Contact Info

Website: https://tallylab.com/

Email: [email protected]