Boson Motors electric commercial vehicles, focusing on dairies, planters, farmers, and agriculture utility vehicles. They may the only programmable vehicle in the world that runs on the Android operating system, making it open-source that any Android developer can deploy custom applications to. In this episode, I talk with co-founder and CEO Arun Seelam, who, along with his co-founder, are ex-Googlers, looking to take on the world of autonomous vehicles and electric trucks. In our conversation, Arun shares current status of the company, the setbacks that Boson Motors has experienced as a result of the COVID pandemic, as well as a silver lining they found along the way.

Topics in this episode

Why they are working toward an end goal of partial autonomy, as opposed to creating fully autonomous vehicles

Roadmap of production and how they plan to ramp up over the next two years

The process of creating the prototype, starting with a motorcycle

The impact of COVID on production, as well as on fundraising

Launching the product in California and India, and the regulatory differences in each place

Tracking competitors’ roadmaps

Giving farmers the ability to service their own vehicles, unlike with John Deere and other competitors

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