Cinderella a capella · Listen in on the original (albeit one-sided) rap battle between Cinderella and her evil older step-sisters. Featuring Jen Bokoff and Scott Lowe. Technomad · Gavin Dervish is a singer-songwriter busking in England who decries the music industry’s reliance on technology. Featuring special guest Blake Walker. (His band “The Etiquette” has an […]

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Cinderella a capella

· Listen in on the original (albeit one-sided) rap battle between Cinderella and her evil older step-sisters. Featuring Jen Bokoff and Scott Lowe.


· Gavin Dervish is a singer-songwriter busking in England who decries the music industry’s reliance on technology. Featuring special guest Blake Walker. (His band “The Etiquette” has an EP on iTunes and Amazon MP3.)

Photo by Johnny_boy_A

The post Put Down in Words appeared first on Bloop Group.

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