A Retro opening
Bill springs a record on Joe and ruins his night
Shadow of the Colossus playing
More Fandango ball-bustin'
The Tiffany backlash?
Joe actually gets props from Bill!
Bill is incredulous at the magazines Joe has kept
Listen to Bill getting ready for winter...
Joe goes video game hunting
What is the proper driving ettiquette when hunting for games?
Bill rants on Buy & Sell prices!
Planning a new game buying strategy
Who is @GardenGloves1 on Twitter?
Show intro
Should we have watched the Star Wars trailer & when do we see the movie?
Spoiler-free Walking Dead review
Eliminating shows off of the PVR
What are guys at the gym thinking about when they look in the mirror?
We answer a listener question
Next Cartridge Club Game of the Month
Best show on TV right now.....
Remembering porn on Beta tapes

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