Bill complains about feeling like garbage but no one is listening
Joe falls asleep again going solo
STC goes Retro….Fandango that is
Bill’s playing The Cartridge Club’s Game of the Month Resident Evil 4
Bill gets skinny….on the PS2 Slim with RE4
Don't squeeze too hard when carrying your game system in a breast pump travel bag
Is wearing Gap sailor t-shirts uncool?
Joe comes close to buying some  video games but has to go to the bathroom instead
A listener has some constructive comments
#HotOrNot ; Bill won't tell Joe how hot his sister is
Penny Dreadful update
1/2 of STC is up to date on show finales
Game of Thrones finale thoughts (non-spoiler)
Bill dissects why he hates sudden musical numbers in TV shows
Joe starts his 1st ever audiobook by listening to The Martian
Jurassic World goes prehistoric by breaking previous worldwide opening record
Shame on you Kevin Smith……Shame!…….Shame!……Shame!
Bill has 3 movie recommendations
Joe's going to check out Hardcore History podcast
Joe forced into watching finale of Married at First Sight
Joe watches Bullitt and we come up with our Top 5 movie car chases

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