- What we listen to
- episode 11 review
- Bill complains about porn popups
- You can still listen to us on iTunes
- Bill will never forgive iTunes for what it did to him
- Merry belated Christmas !!
- Joe still needs to finish his Christmas shopping
- Joe’s brilliant plan on how to buy his gifts for next year
- Bill’s headphone Christmas gift headache
- What Joe saw at Best Buy and the PS4
- Sony hacking issue
- Fantastic “Lord of the Rings” short
- Lord of the Rings Musical Parody http://www.thehillywoodshow.com/2014/12/lotrparody-is-officially-here/
- Behind the scenes making of http://www.thehillywoodshow.com/2014/12/lotrparody-is-officially-here/
- The Hillywood Show http://www.thehillywoodshow.com/
- How long the Lord of the Ring movies are compared to their books?
- Hannibal the TV show
- Joe finally finished Season 1 of Sleepy Hollow http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2647544/
- 2015 Rock N Roll Hall of Fame inductees
- Bill recommends this HOF video of Prince shredding on “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
- Challenge to be issued next podcast
- How we feel the shows have been going