Start Podcast – Live Taping – Success on a Human Scale: Margaux Miller, Start Podcast Host, interviews founders of scaling businesses in the Canadian Prairies live at Disrupted (a Tech Manitoba conference) in Winnipeg Manitoba. This special live episode covers re-inventing the technology industry’s culture and impact by focusing on building diverse teams to scale their companies.

"It’s going to come down to us; it’s what you do with the technology that matters." According to guests at the live recording of @startpodcast, there’s never been a better time to build a tech business in Manitoba—and that comes with some major responsibilities. ⠀ Wade Barnes, founder & CEO of @farmers_edge, shared his vision for the changing landscape of the agriculture in Canada and Manitoba’s opportunity to lead with tech solutions for an evolving industry. ⠀ Carly Shuler, co-founder & CEO of @hellohootreading, offered a progressive perspective on ways tech companies can re-imagine work culture to promote diversity and inclusivity. ⠀ Jay Myers, co-founder & VP of Growth @bold_commerce, was honest about the pressures and challenges of succeeding as a startup, like accepting “fail fast, fail cheap” as a necessity to keep up with the pace of change. ⠀ Chuck Loewen, founder of @obs_global, advised tech entrepreneurs to focus on running a good business beyond developing great technology.