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Interview: Ian McDonald, author of River of Gods, The Dervish House, Luna: New Moon, Luna: Wolf Moon, with Jeremy Szal


Main Fiction: "The Odour of Sanctity" by Ian Creasey

Originally published in Asimov's

Ian Creasey lives in Yorkshire, England. He has published seventy-odd short stories in various magazines and anthologies. On his website,, he has a page for each story explaining the backgrounds, and his page for this story describes how it was inspired by J.G. Ballard. This is Ian's fifth appearance at StarShipSofa,

Narrated by: Dani Daly

Dani is an assistant editor of the YA speculative fiction podcast Cast of Wonders, and narrating stories is just one of the things she loves to do. She's a retired roller derby player and current hobbyist soap maker, for instance. She rants on twitter as @danooli_dani, if that's your thing. She hails from crowded Long Island, but looks forward to living in the middle of nowhere someday.

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