Welcome to episode 42 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Scoundrels' Potluck. With Thanksgiving nearly upon us, the Scoundrels decided to host a Thanksgiving dinner for all their Star Wars friends. But, what happens when many of the guests fail to leave their family issues at the door? We'll find out in this episode. However, there is some Star Wars news, listener feedback, and more to cover first. So, get ready for episode 42: Scoundrels' Potluck.

Recent Star Wars News

If you don't know what we are talking about in this week's news, then we have a major surprise for you. Disney and Lucasfilm made some major announcements concerning upcoming Star Wars content. Jay, Darth Taxus, and Dennis each share their reactions and hopes in response to the news.


The convention season is mostly behind us. However, there are still some Star Wars celebrity appearances left in December. So, pay attention as Darth Taxus fills everyone in on which conventions they are appearing in another edition of Skystalking.

Rebel Assault

Rebel Assault isn't just the name of a video game anymore. Now, the video game shares the title with the mid-season finale of Rebels. Darth Taxus, Jay, and Dennis analyze the Rebellions assault on Lothal, Hera's many skills inside the cockpit and out, and Kanan's fate. Plus, where did those X-Wings come from?

Silence Fools!

Once the discussion is done, the show turns to some listener feedback in "Silence Fools!" In this edition, the Scoundrels discuss some feedback to their discussion of Luke Skywalker with Ryder Waldron..

Thanks for tuning into episode 42 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Scoundrels' Potluck.

Social Media, Email, and More

Find the show on Twitter at @SCubedPod. Dennis Keithly can be followed @DJKver2, Darth Taxus is @DarthTaxus, and Jay Krebs is @JoyceKrebs.

Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels is also on Facebook, which you can find here.

SCubedPod thrives on listener feedback. Therefore, Dennis, Taxus, and Jay would love to read your email on the show. To reach them, email the show at [email protected]. For instance, have an opinion on Star Wars comics, Rebels, or the comics? We want to hear it. Also, have a question about some Star Wars detail? Send it to us! It doesn't have to be Star Wars.

Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels T-Shirts can be purchased here.

Finally, Dennis, Taxus, and Jay would appreciate an iTunes review for the show.. Thank you.

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