Imagine it happening for you. How? Well it would only happen if we were to seek it really, emotionally. And how could it happen for us if we ourselves don't want it to? Denial is elemental, as such is the first denial biblically. Relationships are like this, love is like this, and one can only empathize with how God must feel with us. Josea did with his unconditional love for Gomer, the first time anyone empathized with God and saw from God's perspective. Yet truly we all do. Back in 2017 I experienced some amazing turn of events that couldn't have happened any other way in order for me to learn things and truths that only life could teach me - and friends explaining it to me. Synchronicity collapsed unto the holy trinity. That's what I call it. Perhaps you've experienced similar? Perhaps you are experiencing similar right now. Rudolf Steiner explains the two-part rule of Universal truth and esoteric knowledge. "If the seeker seeks...."


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