It's Halloween evening as I write this and the two biggest Sci-Fi franchises have new episodes out.  The premiere of Star Trek Prodigy was last Thursday and the season opener for Doctor Who was this evening.  But I have another venerable old franchise on my mind.

Namely Twilight Zone.  "Hey, kids!  You want to see something really scary?!?"

Well, "scary" probably isn't the right word for "Mysteries and Martyrs" but I think some of us found it a little unsettling.

Still, there are lots of big questions!  Is Psychohistory as we know it a thing of the past?  What is the Anacreoneans horrific plan for the Invictus? Has the show succumbed to the Great and Glorious Az's predilection for exposition?  And in the show with the most per-capita executions might someone get put to death for erroneous thumb-clasping?

We don't know!  But we're going to talk about it anyway!  With extra special guest star Cathy Bloomenfeld, who has the distinction of escaping that Asimovian indoctrination so many of us suffered as teens.

Join us!  You'll love it!  It will be like losing yourself in the scar and seeing real clouds!