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If it’s the middle of the week and you want to do something fun after work, why not try gaming? Tabletops Hobbies & Games is a game store in Nashville, TN that hosts a board game night every Tuesday. It’s always well-attended, and people bring lots of games. You can always see several tables filled with all kinds of tabletop games and friendly gamers. My husband Nayr and I took our group, Tennessee Star Trek Fans, to Tabletops to play Star Trek: Missions. Several players joined in, whether they had played the game or not. Nayr is always great at explaining how to play. Missions is a card game, similar to Fluxx, in which players follow the instructions on the cards and try to acquire different cards for various points. It is based on Star Trek: The Next Generation. You don’t have to be familiar with the show, but it helps! It’s a hoot that you get points for Riker and Troi together, or that you have a damaged ship and you get points for each engineer. The cards have actual pictures from the show: characters, sets, props, etc. The art work on the cards is top notch. So next time you have an exhausted crew that needs to de-stress, or you’re looking for a bold new adventure, and a holodeck isn’t available, Star Trek: Missions is a great way to explore the final frontier of gaming.

-by the Honorable Kavura

How to play Star Trek: Missions:

Star Trek: Missions by Wizkids:
Tabletops Hobbies and Games:

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