For this SRM Extra I rounded up several people who only watch the TV show and know nothing about what happens in the books. We take a closer look at the Purple Wedding. In particular we look at some of the prime suspects (as well as some sub-prime suspects) and Read more…

For this SRM Extra I rounded up several people who only watch the TV show and know nothing about what happens in the books. We take a closer look at the Purple Wedding. In particular we look at some of the prime suspects (as well as some sub-prime suspects) and break down their possible motive for doing the deed. Who did it? Why? Did he/she act alone? How? Playing both sides in each case is our resident GoT expert, Andrew Stanton. We look at several people, but the thing about this show is… it could be someone we don’t even mention. As always, please stop by SRM on iTunes and rate/review.

If you’re in the Philly Area head over and visit one of our sponsors, the Philly Improv Theater. They just opened one of their new shows, “Millennium Quest: Warp Jawn“. It’s an improvised homage to the original Stark Trek series. You’ll watch a completely improvised adventure aboard the U.S.S. South Kensington. If you like sci-fi and comedy, then you should see this show. “This show will be engaging and accessible for Star Trek and Non-Star Trek fans alike. They do such a fantastic job of parodying the original series, its a blast. Everyone should see this show” – Kristen Schier Season Producer of the Philly Improv Theater. You might just get inspired to enroll in one of their upcoming improv comedy classes!

Millennium Quest: Warp Jawn

4/17/14 through 4/27/14  

Wednesday through Saturday @ 7:30pm

Sundays @ 4pm

Philly Improv Theater

2030 Sansom Street

Philadelphia, PA 19103