Apologies in advance for the worst Gangnam Style pun you'll hear this week. Possibly ever.

Fun, laughter, peace and joy on this week's episode of Staring at Screens! Joel spends way too much time on Assassins Creed 3 (yes, still), Vick finishes Assassins Creed 2 (but she hasn't found all the feathers… yet), we find out just how not a Star Wars fan Lisa is when she talks about Angry Birds: Star Wars, and Dave finds a hidden gem in Fah Kai Far Cry 3 (It's got hyper realistic hands, people!) but isn't too enamoured with the Halo 4 single player campaign.

In the second half of the show we share some of our Christmas gift recommendations for gamers as well as things we want for Christmas (you know, in case any of our listeners really really love us.)

If you'd like to find out how to send us presents or try to impress Lisa with your Star Wars lore ("laser swords"), drop us an email: [email protected].

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