Wedding bells are ringing on this week's episode! Newlywed Joel talks about playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf (on his honeymoon no less) and retro-chic ADnD-themed beat-em-up Chronicles of Mystara, Vick tries her hand at the 10-year old Puzzle Pirates and finds it strangely familiar, Lisa relaxes her mind by flicking ice cubes over holes in Puzzle Retreat, and Dave buys XCOM: Enemy Unknown a second time (this time on the iPad) and we find out why.

Discussion topic for this week: Games that require high levels of time commitment to play or even get started playing. Along the way we namedrop Ni No Kuni, The Witcher series, Skyrim, the Dragon Age series, Persona 4, the Arkham games, Far Cry 3, Angry Birds, The Sims, The Last of Us, the Alan Wake games, L.A. Noire, Red Dead Redemption, the MMO genre, and GTA V.

By the way, no offense was intended to people living with OCD, ADHD, paraplegia or a vagina. If you take issue with our use of these labels on this episode, please email your complaints to [email protected]. Otherwise if you have anything to add to the conversation write to us at [email protected] or tweet us @StaringScreens.


Chronicles of Mystara is actually on Steam and PSN too. Not just XBLA.
Puzzle Pirates was on Java. Not Flash.

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