Fresh off recording our long-awaited drunken playcast, the team forges on with a regular episode recording in a slightly sloshed (and soon-to-be hungover) state! Vick trys the much-lauded Dots and finds it sorely wanting, Lisa follows suit with Bee Leader, Dave gets his inner-luchador on in Guacamelee!, and Joel keeps up with the Joneses by playing Battleblock Theater and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.

We had originally planned for our discussion this week to be about Platform Envy and the platform-exclusive games we have no way of playing but it somehow morphed into an interesting discussion on Platform Exclusivity in general with a nod to Indie Games on consoles and (as fanservice) a meditation on iOS vs. Android development. This was of course accompanied by a healthy dose of name-dropping. Coming along for the ride against their will: Red Dead Redemption (Xbox360, PS3), Little Big Planet (PS3, PS Vita), Fez (Xbox360, PC), the Professor Layton games (DS, 3DS), and Journey (PS3).

By the way, the aforementioned playcast is gonna be slightly delayed, and for that we apologize. (Cutting video takes time! Who knew?) In the meantime here are some links for your perusal:

Corridor Digital's Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon fan video
Phil Fish vs. Microsoft


Battleblock Theater was made by "The Behemoth" and not "The Leviathan". Wrong biblical monster, Dave.
Microsoft has never disclosed the cost of the Xbox360 patch fee, but DoubleFine's Tim Schafer pegged it at $40,000 in this interview from 2012.