The team's been busy of late, so this week we eschew our usual format and just have a nice catch up session to talk about the games we've been playing. First up, Joel's perception of reality is severely distorted by AntiChamber; then we revive the spectre that is Assassins Creed 3 as Vick finally gets to play it; mobile offerings also get some airtime as we try out Sonic Dash, Mighty Dungeons, and Fish Out of Water; and last but not least, Dave tells us about Hope: The Other Side of Adventure and much moaning and groaning ensues.

Aaand strangely that is it for this week. As usual we'd love to hear from you, dear Listeners. To add your voice to the conversation simply write to us at [email protected] or tweet us @StaringScreens. Apologies for the short episode; no promises, but we'll try to make it up to you some time later this week with something special. Fingers crossed!


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