Previous Episode: 21. A Tale of Two SimCities
Next Episode: 23. Geek Gods

Shiver me timbers! Avast, ye landlubbers — nope, I can't do it. I can't in good conscience do this hackneyed piratical voice. Let's try this again.

In this week's episode, Lisa talks about the first episode of Tropes vs. Women in Video Games, the result of Feminist Frequency's highly successful Kickstarter and that super-feel-good story about the father who hacked Donkey Kong so his daughter could play as Pauline; Vick is introduced to the excellent (and very "jin zhang") Uncharted 2; Dave does a bunch of collecting in the form of trinkets in Tomb Raider and ridiculous fish in Ridiculous Fishing; and Joel tries out the innovative platformer (of course it's a platformer) Snapshot and reports a growing annoyance with SimCity.  

Given the recent furore over the always-online nature of SimCity and the growing public perception that this design choice is DRM-motivated we thought it would be fitting to discuss the motivations behind Videogame Piracy and Anti-Piracy countermeasures over the years. For the record, Staring At Screens does not condone video game piracy, but if you have a differing view or an interesting perspective on piracy, DRM, or anything we discussed in this episode, write to us at [email protected] or tweet us @StaringScreens.

Also, you wouldn't steal a car. Would you?


Damsel in Distress: Part 1 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games

Why Mike Mika hacked Donkey Kong for his Daughter

John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory

The IndieRoyale Thoughtful Bundle

Trailer for Snapshot

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